All our courses and seminars are available face-to-face and online.
Kanban Foundation
Kanban Simulation Workshop
Present the key principles of kanban in a gamified setting
See for yourself why kanban works
Anyone with an interest in learning about kanban and why it works. No specific experience or prerequisites.
Approximately 2 hours
Workshops are announced in the Events listing. Choose your event and sign up there.
Private workshops may also be organized on site. Call or write for more information.
Nice examples"
Kanban for Deciders
Provide senior management with the understanding required to succeed in a kanban initiative. Highlights the performance, quality and cost issues faced by an organization and equips the deciders in that organization with the information they need to invest in using kanban to improve the management of their services
Topics include:
- Issues that the organization seeks to address
- Issues that kanban can address
- Kanban practices
- Customer, manager and knowledge worker roles
- Management’s commitment
- Transition strategies
- Feasibility assessments
- Next steps
- Understand the strategic benefits of kanban
- Improve alignment between senior management and autonomous teams
- Gain confidence that you can deliver on your promises
- Obtain the right information to answer difficult questions
- Speed up delivery without increasing costs or reducing quality
Senior managers, normally with budget authority for teams that will use kanban
Face to face, in house and on demand
One-half day (approximately 3 hours)
€2’000 per seminar, plus expenses.
To organize a Kanban for Deciders seminar, please use the Call us or Write us buttons below to make your request
Kanban for Service Management
Understand how to apply the kanban approach to the management of services. It examines the service management disciplines one by one and provides techniques for using kanban to improve these management disciplines. Examples of these disciplines include change management, problem management, incident management, service level management, capacity management, among others. In addition, we examine the tools used to support kanban, how to integrate them into an IT management framework, and how to optimize of organizational structure
Refocus service management on optimizing the delivery of services
Anyone involved with the delivery or management of services wishing to implement kanban or to improve the use of kanban for service management. Previous knowledge of or practical use of kanban is highly desirable before taking this course.
This course is not an introduction to service management. It assumes knowledge and experience in at least one service management discipline.
Face to face, either in house and on demand or as public course
One day (approximately 8 hours)
€600 per participant, including all materials
For information about the scheduling of our Kanban for Service Management training, please use the Call us or Write us buttons below to make your request