A kanban board structure may be designed by thinking of columns as verbs and cards as nouns
Demand Management: Chimæra, Selkie or Sphinx?
What is demand management? Sometimes it seems like a chimæra, other times like a selkie and yet other times like a sphinx.
People are not fungible
There is a tendency in discussions of staffing and organizational structure to speak of people, especially software engineers, as being fungible—or not. What an exceedingly unpleasant choice of words! People are not fungible. People fungibility is an inappropriate concept. Let’s see how the underpinning issues can be discussed more fruitfully. What is Fungibility? Fungibility is […]
When is a kanban tool not a kanban tool?
An indicator of the increasing popularity of kanban is the number of software tools and online services that claim kanban functionality. For those practitioners who have seen the tremendous benefits of kanban, this should be a gratifying development. But what does it really mean for a tool to support or to enable kanban? And what […]